(photo curtesy of Bereavement Journey, n.d.)

Bereavement is feelings felt after a loss that may be mental, physical, and affect social activities or activities of daily life (Zisook & Shear, 2009). Bereavement can be debilitating and left untreated can cause suicidal ideation or success (Zisook, 2009. et. al.). The amount of time bereavement feelings last depends on the actual cause of death, the age of the death, the relationship to the deceased, and if the death was expected according to the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the last meeting one had with the individual before death occurred (ACS, 2012).

An unexpected death may cause shock along with a numb feeling, in which the mind races trying to place the facts and in processing the information. Emotions such as anger, depressed mood and withdrawal from others are normal grieving and could last longer than a year (ACS, 2012).
Grief can return at certain points throughout time lasting for decades when a birthday, anniversary of the death, or holiday seasons come around and the person is missed. Depending upon the situation of the death, people may be haunted by guilt or regret (ACS, 2012). Family relationships could be dissolved due to circumstances of a death as well.

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