(photo curtesy of Grief Recovery Method, n.d.)

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross researched death and dying and noted five stages to the dying process, which she wrote her book, “On Death and Dying” in 1969 (Ziegler, 2014. Chpt. 9.2). Below is a list of the five stages.

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

The denial stage is set with shock and some people would like a second opinion. They will deny or ignore that they have been told they are dying (Ziegler, 2014). When the individual realizes that they are dying, they become angry and want to blame others or their self. The bargaining stage is set with giving up something to gain their health back. They will pray and bargain with a higher source. Depression sets in after the bargaining stage and may linger into the acceptance stage. The acceptance stage is when they accept they are dying and they will focus attention to others by giving things away or making sure others will be fine without them (Ziegler, 2014. Chpt. 9).

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