Violence Against Older Adults

According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA) more than five-million elderly are abused every year in means of physical, emotional, and financial abuse (NCOA, n.d.). Though abuse is usually made public when it is a nursing facility case, many are abused by their own family.


Recent research indicated that approximately 40 cases out of every 1,000 elderly individuals have been victims of financial abuse (NCEA, n.d.).


If your intuition is telling you something suspicious is going on, then it probably is. When considering placement into a nursing facility, the family needs to make sure that their loved one has an advocate (Ramnarace, 2012). Frequent trips to the nursing facility by family will ensure that anything out of the ordinary needs further evaluation.




In 2000, more than 40% of a total of 2000 nursing home residents complained of abuse and 95% stated they suffered neglect (NCEA, n.d.). Those entering into nursing facilities need an advocate to stand up for them. Education upon elder abuse needs to first be made aware of.


One thought on “Violence Against Older Adults”

  1. If you witness a daughter who is caring for her grandmother yank her out of the car in a parking lot and the older woman screams with pain and upon passing by her the daughter tells you that her Mother is simply having a bad day, would you think she was abusing her grandmother and what would you do upon your “yes” or “no” answer?


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